Re-Livestock | 3rd General Assembly

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Our 3rd General Assembly in Edinburgh was remarkable!

The aim of this meeting was to present an overview of the project’s progress over the past year, continue to explore opportunities for collaboration between partners and outline the next steps.

During the first day of the 3rd General Assembly, an update was given on the project’s work packages. The WPs, from 1 to 8, were presented by their leaders. These presentations included an overview of each task, the results achieved and the main conclusions. Some of the next steps for each task were also presented:

The morning of the second day began with working groups that allowed partners working with ruminants and pigs to interact with WP5 and WP6.

There was also time to discuss possible innovations in feeding, breeding and farm management that could be adopted on cattle and pig farms. Besides that, there was a presentation on technologies and digitalization data:

The afternoon of the second day began with a presentation on animal welfare.

We first looked at climate predictions for different weather patterns in Europe, covering upland, coastal and various combinations including hot, cold, wet, and dry. We discussed the three different measures of welfare: behavior, affective states, and biological functioning. Following this, each WP assessed the hazards and risks as well as the consequences to welfare for their trial or innovation.

After the presentation, the partners were invited to play the CiFoS strategy game, a participatory tool for exploring future food system scenarios for humans and planetary health. Players choose diets to explore their impact on land use, emissions, and sustainable practices. The goal is to redesign future food systems, with results documented in an info-brief for potential future workshops or projects:

The last day of the 3rd General Assembly began with an update from WP9 and WP10 on project coordination, management, and ethics.

This was followed by a presentation led by several WPs (1, 5, and 7) on Resilience Conceptualization. During this presentation, the partners were invited to explore the concept of resilience in various dimensions, adapted to each of their tasks in the project, based on stories created by themselves and on resilience attributes.

There was also a presentation called Gender Task and some feedback from external advisors who were present at the 3rd General Assembly.