We’re excited to share the latest updates from Re-Livestock partner PULS, where groundbreaking research is underway to advance sustainable livestock management!
PULS has recently introduced two mobile respiration chambers, specifically designed to measure greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. These innovative chambers are now ready for animal trials, generating critical data on livestock’s environmental impact.

The team is also advancing studies with animals housed in specialized metabolic cages. These cages, complete with drinkers, feeders, and individual toys, prioritize animal comfort while enabling precise data collection. Researchers are carefully monitoring feed intake and gathering urine and feces to conduct balance and digestibility assessments, providing deeper insights into livestock metabolism.

In an additional study, PULS is repurposing by-products from the agri-food industry—specifically, dried chokeberry and blackcurrant pomace—as part of a new feeding trial. Thirty fattening pigs, housed in a group pen on straw with enrichment items like balls, jute ropes, and salt blocks, are participating in this unique investigation.

Finally, PULS has launched an experiment involving legume seeds with pigs of the primitive Polish puławska breed. This research aims to uncover novel insights into sustainable animal feeding strategies.
Stay tuned as we continue to explore and share the outcomes of these innovative trials!